Today, Rhonda got offered the job she interviewed for with the
Greenville Hospital System. She'll be at the main hospital location, only a 10-minute commute across town. While the last few months "off" (not counting babysitting, decorating, various home repairs, studying for the SC law exam, etc.) were a nice change of pace, she's chomping at the bit to get back to the grind. Her exact start date is TBD, as there's orientation and HR stuff to work out.
We're still firmly in adjustment mode, but it's tough to deny that things have gone pretty darned smoothly over the last few months. The following things happened after we decided to move:
* Rhonda discovered one of her friends/coworkers in Portland went to school with the pharmacy manager at GHS. She was able to make contact with him and sew those seeds back in August.
* I was able to negotiate a transfer of my job to SC (which ensured we were able to buy a house here).
* We were able to buy and sell houses 3000 miles away from each other in less than a week (no small feat "in these economic times").
* Rhonda knocked her interview out of the park and secured herself a new gig.
* Plus the normal coordination of moving, auto transport, utilities setup, etc. Oh, and beginning the process of becoming not exactly parents or guardians, but something more than a regular aunt and uncle.
To those among us who believe in the Big Man Upstairs, it's easy to believe he's had a hand in getting us to this point. At the least, it would seem Lady Luck has been on our side.