Sunday, February 8, 2009

Romantic anniversary weekend

Highlights of our 12th anniversary festvities included:

Assembling our lower cabinets (Bought Ikea cabinets for the bottom. Vern is building the top cabinets from scratch and will be building the faces/doors for the bottom.).

A trip to Home Depot.

Grouting a little patch of tile that now sits underneath the fridge (was a cabinet there before).

Dinner and cake on the couch.

Sound pretty romantic, huh? Well, to be fair, we did watch 2 chick flicks. The Notebook wasn't bad (for a chick flick)- a cute lead actress always helps. Mamma Mia had Rhonda singing along the whole time, and she wants to buy it now. Thanks (or blame?) goes to Dad for the recommendations on both movies.

In this picture, you can begin to imagine what the fridge/stove half of the kitchen will look like now. Vern will be back on Tuesday to anchor those lower cabinets and mount the base for their countertop, so we should be able to start hiding some stuff in there soon.

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