Seems I'm falling behind on my updates!
Vern thinks he'll be done with his part this coming week, including the tile countertops, the rest of the cabinets and their doors/hardware. Then it will be up to Rhonda and I to execute the finishing touches like paint. It's actually starting to look like a functional kitchen now- what do you think?

A few random things:
Scored some great tickets to the Blazers game Friday night. These are the best seats we've ever had for an NBA game. Took this picture without zooming- we were 3 rows behind the Blazers bench! Shaquille O'Neal (#32) is the biggest man we've ever seen in person. He's massive! Officially, he's listed as 3-1, 325 lbs. He pretty much dwarfed Joel Przybilla (immediately to his right), who's also 7-1, but "only" 245. Rhonda hates nothing more than sports on TV, but a live game is something entirely different, plus she can have cotton candy, which she loves!

Got confirmation that Jason will be coming out for training in Corvallis for a couple of weeks, and it looks like his weekends (4/25-26 and 5/2-3) will be free. I'll be sure to share some stories/pics of his time with us.
Fran the Van has some sort of issue we have to get checked out soon. She crapped out on us at an intersection last weekend (complete lack of power) and we had to have her towed home. I'm guessing it has something to do with fuel delivery- hopefully it's an easy (and not too expensive) fix like a clogged fuel line.
Jack got a puncture wound in one of his paws and we've held him out of daycare for the past couple of weeks. It's taking quite a while to heal, although it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain (he did limp noticeably the first few days).
Vern thinks he'll be done with his part this coming week, including the tile countertops, the rest of the cabinets and their doors/hardware. Then it will be up to Rhonda and I to execute the finishing touches like paint. It's actually starting to look like a functional kitchen now- what do you think?
A few random things:
Scored some great tickets to the Blazers game Friday night. These are the best seats we've ever had for an NBA game. Took this picture without zooming- we were 3 rows behind the Blazers bench! Shaquille O'Neal (#32) is the biggest man we've ever seen in person. He's massive! Officially, he's listed as 3-1, 325 lbs. He pretty much dwarfed Joel Przybilla (immediately to his right), who's also 7-1, but "only" 245. Rhonda hates nothing more than sports on TV, but a live game is something entirely different, plus she can have cotton candy, which she loves!
Got confirmation that Jason will be coming out for training in Corvallis for a couple of weeks, and it looks like his weekends (4/25-26 and 5/2-3) will be free. I'll be sure to share some stories/pics of his time with us.
Fran the Van has some sort of issue we have to get checked out soon. She crapped out on us at an intersection last weekend (complete lack of power) and we had to have her towed home. I'm guessing it has something to do with fuel delivery- hopefully it's an easy (and not too expensive) fix like a clogged fuel line.
Jack got a puncture wound in one of his paws and we've held him out of daycare for the past couple of weeks. It's taking quite a while to heal, although it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain (he did limp noticeably the first few days).
Kitchen looks great - love the new appliances!