The steely resolve of a man is no match for the tears of a woman, and thus I found myself outvoted 1-to-1 on the issue of whether we should get a new kitten. This is Oliver, who's had no trouble making himself at home so far. Katheren helped us pick him out at the humane society and he's been with us for about a week (Kat also holds the distinction of being the first overnight guest at the house). Jack obviously gets along with him just fine. George, apparently uninterested in giving young Oliver the smackdown he deserves, tolerates repeated pounces, grabs, bites and tail tugs, knowing that naptime will come soon enough.
I'm still adjusting to my longer commute (30 mins vs 5) and work environment (much more of a typical/sterile office than I was accustomed to in Portland). Lots of friendly familiar faces, though. Rhonda's been keeping herself busy unpacking and with lots of little improvement projects. It's been raining for several days straight down here- looking forward to things drying up a bit so we can get out and explore town (and share our findings).
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